Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Sifting through memories, i stumble across a picture. Her picture. I stare and I am immediately there in front of her. I am speechless. She looks at me as though I have been gone. She looks at me as someone who has somehow survived a great heartbreak. A heart break which I caused. She stares in disbelief, because for once in her life she sees the love that has always been there. She sees the love my love with no fear. She runs to my arms and cries. In mouthful of cires she mumbles "why couldn't you have been this way. Why couldn't you let yourself just love me". Holding her in my arms I feel her tears through my shirt, and feel them burning holes in my soul. The tears keep flowing and my soul keeps dissolving. I feel my heart breaking, I see her fading. I see the tear fall on her face. On the picture. Her picture.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rain melts the pain.

It all began, in the car. I was driving around to find a house. I new where I was, but yet I still couldn't find the house that I was looking for. In my deepest part of my soul I knew where I was supposed to go. But yet my mind would not let me remember how to get there... So I veered off, and parked. Then a bright flash! At this point I am standing in a vast empty field, with a thick fog filling the vastness of the the field. The air felt warm but the the moisture of the fog gave it a slight chill. Then the rain. It was more than drops. It was like I was submerged underwater. The rain fell so hard and so fast, that it felt like I was falling. Yet the immense peace that I felt, kept me calm. The rain was the most soothing feeling I have felt in years, it was warm, and even though it fell hard, it was soft on my skin. All the pain, doubt, anxiety, all the negativity I have ever felt, melted and washed away with the rain. Then I noticed the steam coming from my hands and arms! I felt so free! I felt like I was reborn! And then my eyes open.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Strange to think that memories can attack you! Can bring about emotions that u thought had passed! But a smile, a long soft kiss, the deep stare of her eyes, brings u back to that moment! Then the surge of emotions hit! Not of one specific, but the culmination of time passed! The joy, the anger, the hate, the loneliness, and the love that has perished! The dam that I have carefully built is starting to give! Another storm and I fear that the flood will destroy me!

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just another rainy day

Who knew that a rainy day can bring so much fun! It let me reminisce about my past, and it let me know more about an interesting girl I met!

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